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Star Trek: Deep Space Ix

In this "Star Trek" spin-off, Commander Sisko leads the multi-species crew of Deep Space Nine, a Federation space station with a complex mission.

Starring: Avery Brooks, Nana Visitor, Rene Auberjonois

Creators: Rick Berman, Michael Piller

This critically acclaimed spin-off series gear up in a space station won 4 Emmys from 31 nominations.


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Watch Emissary: Parts 1 & 2. Episode 1 of Season 1.

When the troubled Cmdr. Sisko takes command of a surrendered infinite station, he learns that information technology borders a unique stable wormhole.

Watch A Man Alone. Episode 2 of Season 1.

The aligning period aboard Deep Space Nine continues equally transplants from beyond the galaxy endeavor to come to terms with their lives and each other.

Watch Past Prologue. Episode 3 of Season 1.

Dr. Bashir is excited to meet Garak, the last Cardassian aboard Deep Space Ix and a rumored spy.

Watch Babel. Episode 4 of Season 1.

Frustrated by all of the mechanical issues on the space station, O'Brien attempts to fix the food replicators.

Watch Captive Pursuit. Episode 5 of Season 1.

While listening to a complaint about Quark'due south lascivious behavior, Sisko is alerted that an alien vessel is coming through the wormhole.

Watch Q-Less. Episode 6 of Season 1.

The officers struggle to salve the station from imminent devastation.

Watch Dax. Episode 7 of Season 1.

Jadzia is charged with the long-ago murder of a beloved war hero from Klaestron Iv, a law-breaking allegedly committed past her previous host, Curzon.

Watch The Passenger. Episode 8 of Season 1.

Traveling in a Runabout, Kira and Bashir option upwardly a distress signal from a disabled Kobliad send.

Watch Move Along Home. Episode 9 of Season 1.

Cmdr. Sisko, in dress uniform, prepares to receive the first formal conflicting delegation from the Gamma Quadrant.

Watch The Nagus. Episode 10 of Season 1.

Quark is approached by a Ferengi named Krax, who presents his begetter, Thou Nagus Zek, the revered leader of the Ferengi business empire.

Watch Vortex. Episode 11 of Season 1.

While haggling with a pair of Miradorns over a valuable goblet, Quark is interrupted by a newly arrived alien demanding the goblet for himself.

Watch Battle Lines. Episode 12 of Season 1.

Kai Opaka, Bajor'due south spiritual leader, pays a surprise visit to the station.

Watch The Storyteller. Episode 13 of Season 1.

Sisko and Kira play host on the infinite station to the leaders of two rival Bajoran factions -- the Paqu and the Navot.

Watch Progress. Episode 14 of Season 1.

With the Federation'due south help, the Bajoran authorities is nearly to perform a massive energy transfer past borer the molten core of its fifth moon.

Watch If Wishes Were Horses. Episode 15 of Season 1.

Sisko, Kira and Dax investigate readings of unusually high thoron emissions coming from the plasma field in their area of infinite.

Watch The Forsaken. Episode 16 of Season 1.

Bashir plays reluctant host to a delegation of Federation ambassadors, one of whom happens to be Lwaxana Troi, mother of Deanna Troi.

Watch Dramatis Personae. Episode 17 of Season 1.

Kira protests when Sisko allows a Valerian send to dock at the station.

Watch Duet. Episode 18 of Season 1.

A Kobheerian freighter transports a passenger who has a medical condition known as Kalla-Nohra.

Watch In the Hands of Prophets. Episode 19 of Season 1.

A Bajoran woman in religious garb observes Keiko O'Brien's grade and calmly objects to Keiko'southward secular methods of teaching.

Watch The Homecoming. Episode 1 of Season 2.

Kira is intrigued when Quark presents her with an earring he claims was delivered from Cardassia Four.

Watch The Circle. Episode 2 of Season 2.

Subsequently Government minister Jaro dismisses Maj. Kira and sends her back to Bajor, Sisko angrily confronts him about his actions.

Watch The Siege. Episode 3 of Season 2.

With less than 5 hours remaining before Bajoran forces are due to arrive, Sisko continues to evacuate Deep Space Nine.

Watch Invasive Procedures. Episode 4 of Season 2.

A violent plasma storm leads to the evacuation of Deep Space Nine, leaving a skeleton crew behind to maintain the station.

Watch Cardassians. Episode 5 of Season 2.

Bashir is surprised when his "friend" Garak, a Cardassian tailor, is attacked and bitten by a Cardassian boy.

Watch Melora. Episode 6 of Season 2.

The coiffure welcomes Ensign Melora Pazlar, a cartographer on a mission to chart the Gamma Quadrant.

Watch Rules of Acquisition. Episode 7 of Season 2.

While engaging in a game of Tongo with Rom, Dax and a young Ferengi waiter, Quark is hailed by his leader, Grand Nagus Zek, who has good news for him.

Watch Necessary Evil. Episode 8 of Season 2.

A beautiful Bajoran woman calls Quark to Bajor and persuades him to retrieve a strongbox that her belatedly married man kept hidden on Deep Space 9.

Watch Second Sight. Episode 9 of Season 2.

On the fourth ceremony of his wife's decease, Sisko takes a melancholy belatedly-night stroll along the Promenade.

Watch Sanctuary. Episode 10 of Season 2.

When a ramshackle alien vessel is detected making its way through the wormhole, the transport's four passengers are transported to Deep Space Ix.

Watch Rivals. Episode 11 of Season 2.

Over a drink at Quark's, a middle-aged conflicting widow tells an alien human how she plans to invest her life savings in a big mining concession.

Watch The Alternate. Episode 12 of Season 2.

Dr. Mora Politico arrives on Deep Space Ix with the proclamation that he may have a clue to Odo'southward origins.

Watch Armageddon Game. Episode 13 of Season 2.

Bashir and O'Brien travel to a lab orbiting T'Lani 3 in an effort to eliminate the Harvesters -- a mortiferous biomechanical weapon.

Watch Whispers. Episode 14 of Season 2.

Subsequently returning from an assignment in the Paradas organization, O'Brien notices that anybody on the station is treating him differently.

Watch Paradise. Episode 15 of Season 2.

While surveying nearby star systems for Chiliad-Class planets, Sisko and O'Brien locate a planet that already supports a colony of humans.

Watch Shadow Play. Episode 16 of Season 2.

In the Gamma Quadrant, Dax and Odo detect an unusual particle field on the surface of an unexplored planet.

Watch Playing God. Episode 17 of Season 2.

Arjin, a Trill initiate trying to authorize for joining with a symbiont, is nervous that he must written report nether Dax.

Watch Profit and Loss. Episode 18 of Season 2.

Sisko and the Ops crew pull in a small, severely damaged Cardassian vessel containing three passengers.

Watch Blood Oath. Episode 19 of Season 2.

The relative calm of Deep Space Nine is shattered past the arrival of 3 Klingon warriors.

Watch The Maquis: Part 1. Episode 20 of Season 2.

The worst is feared when a Cardassian freighter, the Bok'Nor, explodes while departing the station.

Watch The Maquis: Part 2. Episode 21 of Season 2.

Sisko, Kira and Bashir are held in a Maquis camp, but Gul Dukat is not there.

Watch The Wire. Episode 22 of Season 2.

While having his weekly lunch with Bashir, Garak is of a sudden overcome by extreme pain.

Watch Crossover. Episode 23 of Season 2.

After experiencing operational difficulties while traveling through the wormhole, Kira and Bashir find themselves in an alternate universe.

Watch The Collaborator. Episode 24 of Season 2.

Bajor is nigh to elect a new spiritual leader, and Kira'due south lover, Vedek Bareil, is the leading candidate.

Watch Tribunal. Episode 25 of Season 2.

While leaving for a vacation with Keiko, O'Brien encounters Boone, a one-time crewmate from the Rutledge.

Watch The Jem'Hadar. Episode 26 of Season 2.

Sisko's plans for begetter-son bonding are ruined when Jake invites Nog to accompany them on a trip to the Gamma Quadrant.

Watch The Search: Part 1. Episode 1 of Season 3.

Preparing for possible invasion by the Jem'Hadar, Kira determines that Deep Space Nine lacks the firepower to defend itself.

Watch The Search: Part 2. Episode 2 of Season 3.

Odo and Kira take landed on a alone planet in the Omarion Nebula, which they have discovered is Odo'southward domicile world.

Watch The House of Quark. Episode 3 of Season 3.

With bar business peculiarly slow, Rom complains to Quark that their but customer, a Klingon named Kozak, says he's out of money.

Watch Equilibrium. Episode 4 of Season 3.

While experimenting with a keyboard, the musically untrained Dax inexplicably plays a melody she seems to remember from somewhere.

Watch Second Skin. Episode 5 of Season 3.

Kira is surprised when she sees records indicating that she was incarcerated at Elemspur, a Cardassian prison house, 10 years agone.

Watch The Abandoned. Episode 6 of Season 3.

A Boslic captain talks Quark into purchasing the wreckage of a ship that crashed in the Gamma Quadrant.

Watch Civil Defense. Episode 7 of Season 3.

While working in the station's ore-processing unit, O'Brien and Jake accidently activate an automatic Cardassian security plan.

Watch Meridian. Episode 8 of Season 3.

While exploring the Gamma Quadrant in the Defiant, Sisko, Dax, Bashir and O'Brien are shocked when a planet appears where none existed before.

Watch Defiant. Episode 9 of Season 3.

When Cmdr. William Riker from the Enterprise visits the station, an intrigued Kira takes him on a tour, particularly of the Defiant.

Watch Fascination. Episode 10 of Season 3.

The Bajoran Gratitude Festival, an annual commemoration, is almost to get underway, and both Kira and O'Brien await the inflow of their loves.

Watch Past Tense: Part 1. Episode 11 of Season 3.

En route to a symposium in San Francisco, Sisko, Dax and Bashir are lost during transport to Earth from the Defiant.

Watch Past Tense: Part 2. Episode 12 of Season 3.

Sisko, posing as Gabriel Bell in the 21st century, takes charge of the hostage situation in the Processing Center.

Watch Life Support. Episode 13 of Season 3.

When a serious blow nearly destroys a Bajoran transport arriving at the space station, Vedek Bareil is critically injured.

Watch Heart of Stone. Episode 14 of Season 3.

While travelling in a Runabout, Kira and Odo learn that a Maquis ship has ambushed a Lissepian vessel.

Watch Destiny. Episode 15 of Season 3.

Sisko is excited near working with two Cardassian scientists who are assigned to help deploy a subspace relay in the Gamma Quadrant.

Watch Prophet Motive. Episode 16 of Season 3.

Zek, the Ferengi Grand Nagus, pays a visit to Deep Space Nine and moves into Quark's quarters, where he takes on an important project.

Watch Visionary. Episode 17 of Season 3.

Romulans arrive to study reports on the Dominion, a privilege granted in exchange for the utilise of a cloaking device aboard the Defiant.

Watch Distant Voices. Episode 18 of Season 3.

An alien named Altovar approaches Bashir to obtain a restricted substance. The md refuses, prompting Altovar to later suspension into the infirmary.

Watch Through the Looking Glass. Episode 19 of Season 3.

Sisko is abducted by a double of O'Brien, who takes him to the mirror universe that Kira and Bashir visited a year ago.

Watch Improbable Cause. Episode 20 of Season 3.

A peaceful afternoon is shattered when Garak's shop is destroyed by an explosion.

Watch The Die Is Cast. Episode 21 of Season 3.

Afterward rejoining his former Cardassian mentor, Enabran Tain, Garak helps him in a joint mission with the Obsidian Club and the Romulan Tal Shiar.

Watch Explorers. Episode 22 of Season 3.

Sisko returns from a trip to Bajor with the blueprint for an ancient space vessel that operates like a sailboat, using solar pressure level for propulsion.

Watch Family Business. Episode 23 of Season 3.

An agent named Burden from the Ferengi Commerce Authority serves Quark with a Writ of Accountability for improper supervision of a family unit member.

Watch Shakaar. Episode 24 of Season 3.

When the first minister of the Bajoran Provisional Government dies, Kai Winn is appointed to his duties and is about to be formally elected.

Watch Facets. Episode 25 of Season 3.

Jadzia Dax prepares for her zhian'tara, the Trill Rite of Closure. During the ritual, Jadzia will meet Dax'southward previous hosts.

Watch The Adversary. Episode 26 of Season 3.

During a party celebrating Sisko's promotion to captain, Ambassador Krajensky takes him aside and quietly reveals that there has been a coup.

Watch The Way of the Warrior: Parts 1 & 2. Episode 1 of Season 4.

The Promenade swarms with Klingons. However, the warriors aren't their combative selves. Martok tells Sisko they've come to fight the Rule.

Watch The Visitor. Episode 2 of Season 4.

Aspiring author Melanie wants to know why Jake Sisko stopped writing at 40. Jake explains how his begetter died in an accident and then reappeared.

Watch Hippocratic Oath. Episode 3 of Season 4.

Returning from a mission in the Gamma Quadrant, Bashir and O'Brien respond to what they believe is a ship in trouble on a remote planet.

Watch Indiscretion. Episode 4 of Season 4.

A Bajoran smuggler tells Kira he has recovered metal that may exist from a Cardassian ship that vanished six years ago with a group of Bajoran prisoners.

Watch Rejoined. Episode 5 of Season 4.

Sisko summons Dax to his role with serious news: A group of Trill scientists, led by Dr. Lenara Kahn, will use the Defiant to conduct experiments.

Watch Starship Down. Episode 6 of Season 4.

Sisko and his officers accept the Defiant to a remote arrangement in the Gamma Quadrant for a trade discussion with the Karemma representative, Hanok.

Watch Little Green Men. Episode 7 of Season 4.

Quark is excited to receive a shuttle his cousin Gaila has owed him for ten years, and decides to use it to fly Nog to Starfleet Academy on World.

Watch The Sword of Kahless. Episode 8 of Season 4.

Worf accompanies Dax and legendary Klingon warrior Kor on a mission to recover a mythical, millennium-erstwhile weapon of the Klingon Empire's first leader.

Watch Our Man Bashir. Episode 9 of Season 4.

Bashir is enjoying a holosuite program that casts him as a super suave, 1960s Earth surreptitious agent when Garak intrudes on his fantasy.

Watch Homefront. Episode 10 of Season 4.

An explosion at a Federation/Romulan diplomatic conference on Earth has killed 27 people, and there'southward bear witness that the bomb was ready by a Changeling.

Watch Paradise Lost. Episode 11 of Season 4.

When Dominion sabotage is blamed for a planetwide power outage, Starfleet stations troops all over Earth to prepare for an invasion.

Watch Crossfire. Episode 12 of Season 4.

First Government minister Shakaar arrives at Deep Space Nine to negotiate for Bajor'south early admittance into the Federation, and he creates quite a stir.

Watch Return to Grace. Episode 13 of Season 4.

At Start Government minister Shakaar's asking, Kira prepares to travel to a Cardassian outpost to share Bajoran intelligence about the Klingon Empire.

Watch Sons of Mogh. Episode 14 of Season 4.

Worf's blood brother Kurn arrives unexpectedly and asks Worf to kill him. He explains that since Worf sided with the Federation, his family are outcasts.

Watch Bar Association. Episode 15 of Season 4.

Later suffering for weeks with an ear infection without a day off, Rom finally collapses in Quark's bar and is taken to the hospital.

Watch Accession. Episode 16 of Season 4.

A centuries-old Bajoran vessel mysteriously exits the wormhole, and its passenger, a legendary Bajoran poet, is immediately beamed to the hospital.

Watch Rules of Engagement. Episode 17 of Season 4.

Worf faces a hearing to determine whether he should be extradited to the Klingon Empire for unwittingly destroying a civilian ship.

Watch Hard Time. Episode 18 of Season 4.

A shaken O'Brien returns to Deep Space Nine after his heed has been altered to make him believe that he spent the last two decades in prison.

Watch Shattered Mirror. Episode 19 of Season 4.

Jake tin can hardly believe his eyes when his father introduces him to a adult female who looks, talks and acts exactly like his belatedly mother, Jennifer.

Watch The Muse. Episode 20 of Season 4.

Lwaxana Troi visits Odo'south office with the surprising news that she is pregnant. But her Tavnian husband insists he raise the son alone until he's 16.

Watch For the Cause. Episode 21 of Season 4.

With the disharmonize between the Klingons and Cardassians taking a toll, a shipment of replicators destined for Cardassia passes through Deep Space 9.

Watch To the Death. Episode 22 of Season 4.

When a Jem'Hadar strike force attacks the station, Sisko takes Worf, Dax, Odo and O'Brien in the Defiant and pursues them into the Gamma Quadrant.

Watch The Quickening. Episode 23 of Season 4.

While traveling in the Gamma Quadrant, Kira, Dax and Bashir respond to a distress call from a planet that the Jem'Hadar destroyed 200 years ago.

Watch Body Parts. Episode 24 of Season 4.

Quark returns from a visit to his homeworld with the lamentable news that he has an extremely rare disease which will cease a life within a week.

Watch Broken Link. Episode 25 of Season 4.

Odo is rushed to the infirmary when he suddenly collapses. Afterwards an examination, Bashir determines that Odo is losing the ability to maintain his solid form.

Watch Apocalypse Rising. Episode 1 of Season 5.

When Sisko approaches Starfleet Control with Odo's suspicion that Klingon Gowron is really one of Odo's people, he is told to betrayal the Changeling.

Watch The Ship. Episode 2 of Season 5.

While exploring a Gamma Quadrant globe, Sisko, Dax, Worf and O'Brien sentinel as a Jem'Hadar warship crashes into the planet's surface.

Watch Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places. Episode 3 of Season 5.

While having a drink with Dax, Worf is taken by the sight of Grilka, a Klingon woman, as she enters the station with Tumek and her guard, Thopok.

Watch ...Nor the Battle to the Strong. Episode 4 of Season 5.

Jake Sisko's writing a profile of Dr. Bashir, and as they travel in a Runabout they get a distress phone call from a Federation colony under Klingon attack.

Watch The Assignment. Episode 5 of Season 5.

Meeting Keiko on her return from Bajor, O'Brien is shocked when his wife says that she is really an entity that has taken possession of Keiko'southward trunk.

Watch Trials and Tribble-ations. Episode 6 of Season 5.

Darvin, a disgraced Klingon spy, travels back in time to alter some events to his likings. The DS9 crew must notice what he'southward trying to change and prevent information technology without altering the time line.

Watch Let He Who Is Without Sin... Episode 7 of Season 5.

Worf's relationship with Dax hits a rough spot and he plans to discuss his feelings during their holiday on the "pleasure planet," Risa.

Watch Things Past. Episode 8 of Season 5.

Sisko, Odo, Dax and Garak are found unconscious. While Bashir attempts to revive their bodies they wake upwards during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor.

Watch The Ascent. Episode 9 of Season 5.

Forced to crash-land on a desolate planet, Odo and Quark learn they lost their communications system, replicator and nigh rations in an explosion.

Watch Rapture. Episode 10 of Season 5.

When Sisko sees a painting depicting B'hala, Bajor's legendary lost urban center, he is inspired to search for the famed site.

Watch The Darkness and the Light. Episode 11 of Season 5.

Kira's surprised when Latha Mabrin, a beau member of her old resistance cell, is murdered. Her suspicions grow when she receives a recorded message.

Watch The Begotten. Episode 12 of Season 5.

Kira finally goes into labor. Only Odo is dealing with his own "infant" -- the former Changeling has purchased an ailing baby Changeling from Quark.

Watch For the Uniform. Episode 13 of Season 5.

Sisko encounters Michael Eddington, his quondam Starfleet Security Chief, who betrayed him and joined the Maquis.

Watch In Purgatory's Shadow. Episode 14 of Season 5.

The station picks up a coded bulletin from the Gamma Quadrant that appears to be Cardassian. Garak reveals that it's a distress phone call from his mentor.

Watch By Inferno's Light. Episode 15 of Season 5.

As the station prepares for a Dominion attack, the enemy fleet all of a sudden turns toward Cardassian space. Gul Dukat's ship breaks formation and follows.

Watch Doctor Bashir, I Presume?. Episode 16 of Season 5.

Bashir is called as the model for Starfleet's holographic doctor program. He is informed past Dr. Zimmerman, the scientist in charge of the projection.

Watch A Simple Investigation. Episode 17 of Season 5.

Odo meets a beautiful adult female and is impressed by her powers of observation. He's surprised later when she tries to break into the station'due south calculator.

Watch Business as Usual. Episode 18 of Season 5.

Quark'due south cousin arrives at the station and offers a piece of his weapon-selling business -- which would pay off all of Quark'southward debts within a month.

Watch Ties of Blood and Water. Episode 19 of Season 5.

Kira meets Tekeny Ghemor, a known Cardassian dissident, hoping he will atomic number 82 the opposition to the Cardassian/Dominion alliance.

Watch Ferengi Love Songs. Episode 20 of Season 5.

Depressed over his life -- peculiarly being blacklisted by the Ferengi Commerce Say-so -- Quark goes dorsum home for some comfort from his female parent.

Watch Soldiers of the Empire. Episode 21 of Season 5.

General Martok receives orders from the Klingon High Quango to search for a Klingon vessel, the B'Moth, missing near the Cardassian border.

Watch Children of Time. Episode 22 of Season 5.

In the Gamma Quadrant, Dax investigates a planet surrounded by an energy barrier, which cripples the Defiant and causes Kira to be duplicated.

Watch Blaze of Glory. Episode 23 of Season 5.

A secret bulletin is delivered to Sisko. The few Maquis terrorists not wiped out by the Dominion initiate a massive retaliation against Cardassia.

Watch Empok Nor. Episode 24 of Season 5.

With Deep Space Nine in busted, O'Brien is unable to replicate the Cardassian materials he needs, so he leads a salvage mission to a space station.

Watch In the Cards. Episode 25 of Season 5.

Hearing that Quark plans to auction off antiquities that include a vintage Willie Mays baseball game carte du jour, Jake decides to obtain the carte for his father.

Watch Call to Arms. Episode 26 of Season 5.

Every bit another convoy of Jem'Hadar ships emerges from the wormhole toward Cardassia, Sisko realizes that the Dominion is taking over the Alpha Quadrant.

Watch A Time to Stand. Episode 1 of Season 6.

Several months into the state of war against the Dominion-Cardassian alliance, Sisko and coiffure are dejected equally fleets of promised reinforcements are demolished.

Watch Rocks and Shoals. Episode 2 of Season 6.

Traveling in a crippled Jem'Hadar warship, Sisko and his coiffure enter an uncharted nebula and crash on a desolate planet, where Dax is gravely wounded.

Watch Sons and Daughters. Episode 3 of Season 6.

Worf is shocked to see his estranged son, Alexander, among the new recruits when Klingon Gen. Martok docks his ship to have on reinforcements.

Watch Behind the Lines. Episode 4 of Season 6.

Sisko formulates a risky plan to disable a vital Dominion sensor assortment that's been monitoring all action across v sectors.

Watch Favor the Bold. Episode 5 of Season 6.

With morale sinking as the Federation continues to lose against the Rule-Cardassian alliance, Sisko launches a plan to retake Deep Space Nine.

Watch Sacrifice of Angels. Episode 6 of Season 6.

With the minefield that protects the Federation soon to exist demolished, Sisko leads what appears to be a suicide mission to have dorsum Deep Space 9.

Watch You Are Cordially Invited ... Episode 7 of Season 6.

Worf and Dax resume the planning of their long-awaited wedding -- which hinges on Martok'due south married woman, Sirella, accepting Dax into the House of Martok.

Watch Resurrection. Episode 8 of Season 6.

The alternate-universe version of Kira'due south dead love beams aboard and takes her hostage, then reveals that he's running from his globe's evil Alliance.

Watch Statistical Probabilities. Episode 9 of Season 6.

With the secret of his genetically engineered past out in the open up, Bashir is asked to work with others like him to aid them assimilate into society.

Watch The Magnificent Ferengi. Episode 10 of Season 6.

Quark's female parent has been captured by the Rule, and Grand Nagus Zek enlists Quark to rescue her, offering a substantial reward if he succeeds.

Watch Waltz. Episode 11 of Season 6.

As Sisko meets with former Cardassian leader Gul Dukat while en route to his state of war crimes hearing, their starship is destroyed past Cardassian troops.

Watch Who Mourns for Morn?. Episode 12 of Season 6.

The crew is shocked to larn that Morn has been killed in an ion storm. Seeing an opportunity for profit, Quark throws a memorial party at his bar.

Watch Far Beyond the Stars. Episode 13 of Season 6.

Later on a friend'south send is destroyed, Sisko contemplates leaving Starfleet while having visions of himself and his coiffure as sci-fi writers in the 1950s.

Watch One Little Ship. Episode 14 of Season 6.

Dax, O'Brien and Bashir board a runabout that shrinks to just 4 inches long as they investigate a subspace phenomenon.

Watch Honor Among Thieves. Episode 15 of Season 6.

To detect an informant, Starfleet Intelligence recruits Principal O'Brien to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate, the Alpha Quadrant'southward main organized offense band.

Watch Change of Heart. Episode 16 of Season 6.

When Dax and Worf are sent to see with a Cardassian double agent, they receive a coded subspace transmission from the operative, who wants to defect.

Watch Wrongs Darker than Death or Night. Episode 17 of Season 6.

In lodge to acquire the truth after a shocking revelation almost her mother, Kira asks Sisko to let her consult the Bajoran Orb of Time.

Watch Inquisition. Episode 18 of Season 6.

Internal Affairs Officer Sloan arrives on the station looking for a possible security breach -- and promptly confines the senior staff to quarters.

Watch In the Pale Moonlight. Episode 19 of Season 6.

While reviewing prey lists, Sisko realizes the only hope of winning the state of war is to persuade the Romulans to join the Federation-Klingon alliance.

Watch His Way. Episode 20 of Season 6.

Bashir shows off his new Holosuite character, a 1960s Las Vegas vocaliser who performs in a lounge total of martini-swilling customers.

Watch The Reckoning. Episode 21 of Season 6.

After beingness chosen to Bajor when an ancient tablet addressing the Emissary is discovered, Sisko takes it back to Deep Space Nine for Dax to translate.

Watch Valiant. Episode 22 of Season 6.

En road to Ferenginar, Jake and Nog are attacked past a Jem'Hadar vessel and rescued by a Defiant-class warship with elite Starfleet cadets in command.

Watch Profit and Lace. Episode 23 of Season 6.

One thousand Nagus Zek arrives on the station to announce that he has added an amendment to the Ferengi Bill of Opportunities, giving women equal rights.

Watch Time's Orphan. Episode 24 of Season 6.

O'Brien is reunited with his married woman and their two children. But during a celebratory picnic on a nearby planet, 8-year-former Molly falls into a vortex.

Watch The Sound of Her Voice. Episode 25 of Season 6.

Aboard the Defiant, Sisko and the crew selection upwardly a distress signal from Capt. Lisa Cusak, whose escape pod has crashed on a remote planet.

Watch Tears of the Prophets. Episode 26 of Season 6.

When Starfleet Control takes the offensive in the war against the Dominion, Sisko is chosen to lead the invasion of Cardassia.

Watch Image in the Sand. Episode 1 of Season 7.

Three months after a possessed Gul Dukat killed Jadzia Dax and sealed the wormhole, life on Deep Space Nine has inverse.

Watch Shadows and Symbols. Episode 2 of Season 7.

Sisko meets Ezri, the new host of the Dax symbiont, before departing Earth for the planet Tyree with his father and son.

Watch Afterimage. Episode 3 of Season 7.

In addition to coping with the memories of her "by lives," Ezri Dax must deal with the range of reactions her presence generates.

Watch Take Me Out to the Holo-Suite. Episode 4 of Season 7.

Vulcan Capt. Solok brings his starship to Deep Space Nine for repairs made necessary from combat skirmishes.

Watch Chrysalis. Episode 5 of Season 7.

A group of genetically enhanced humans who were once under Bashir'south intendance escape from their medical facility habitation.

Watch Treachery, Faith and the Great River. Episode 6 of Season 7.

Odo is lured to a surreptitious coming together site, where he finds himself contiguous with Weyoun, the Vorta leader of the enemy Dominion.

Watch Once More Unto the Breach. Episode 7 of Season 7.

To Worf's surprise, he is paid a visit by Kor, an aging Klingon war hero. Kor admits that his ambition has earned him countless enemies.

Watch The Siege of AR-558. Episode 8 of Season 7.

Sisko encounters Starfleet troops that have been decimated during their occupation of the largest Rule communications array in the sector.

Watch Covenant. Episode 9 of Season 7.

Vedek Fala, a Bajoran monk and Kira's one-time teacher, pays her an unexpected visit. He gives Kira a crystal that transports her to Empok Nor.

Watch It's Only a Paper Moon. Episode 10 of Season 7.

After losing his leg in battle, Nog returns to the infinite station to recuperate. The crew tries to cheer him up, but the immature ensign is struggling.

Watch Prodigal Daughter. Episode 11 of Season 7.

Sisko is furious when he learns O'Brien has vanished while on a secret trip to New Sydney.

Watch The Emperor's New Cloak. Episode 12 of Season 7.

Grand Nagus Zek, ruler of the Ferengi Empire and paramour to Quark and Rom's mother, disappears while on a business trip to the Alternate Universe.

Watch Field of Fire. Episode 13 of Season 7.

A immature lieutenant is institute dead in his quarters. An investigation reveals he was shot with a TR-116 rifle, a weapon adult by Starfleet.

Watch Chimera. Episode 14 of Season 7.

Odo returns from a conference with an unexpected guest: a Changeling who tracked and boarded his Runabout.

Watch Badda-Bing Badda-Bang. Episode 15 of Season 7.

While relaxing in Vic Fontaine'south Las Vegas holosuite lounge, O'Brien and Bashir are surprised by the arrival of mobster Frankie Optics.

Watch Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges. Episode 16 of Season 7.

Dr. Bashir is visited by Sloan, the director of Section 31, a surreptitious and unsanctioned extremist entity within Starfleet Intelligence.

Watch Penumbra: Part 1. Episode 17 of Season 7.

As Sisko revels in the purchase of Bajoran country, word reaches the station that Worf is missing in action after a fierce battle.

Watch Till Death Do Us Part: Part 2. Episode 18 of Season 7.

Kai Winn arrives at the station to "assist" Sisko with his nuptials, and he admits the Prophets warned he would face a peachy trial in his future.

Watch Strange Bedfellows: Part 3. Episode 19 of Season 7.

Worf and Ezri are beamed aboard a Jem'Hadar transport, where the Female Shapeshifter and Thot Gor fix to sign a treaty to end the war.

Watch The Changing Face of Evil: Part 4. Episode 20 of Season 7.

The crew's relief at Worf and Ezri's safe return is tempered by reports that the Breen have attacked Starfleet Headquarters on Earth.

Watch When It Rains ...: Part 5. Episode 21 of Season 7.

Eager to assist Damar's rebel movement against the Dominion, Sisko orders Kira to put her antipathy for the Cardassian aside and train his staff.

Watch Tacking Into the Wind: Part 6. Episode 22 of Season 7.

While Kira reviews tactical plans with the Cardassian Resistance leaders, Odo returns from a mission weakened past the disease that'due south ravaging his race.

Watch Extreme Measures: Part 7. Episode 23 of Season 7.

When Kira brings a terminally ill Odo back to the station for treatment, he orders her to leave him and render to help the Cardassian Resistance.

Watch The Dogs of War: Part 8. Episode 24 of Season 7.

While Sisko takes control of a new ship named in honor of the Defiant, Kira, Garak and Damar barely escape a Rule ambush on Cardassia.

Watch What You Leave Behind: Parts 1 & 2. Episode 25 of Season 7.

With Sisko in command, the Defiant joins the Federation-Klingon-Romulan fleet as the invasion of Cardassia is launched.

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Avery Brooks Nana Visitor Rene Auberjonois Cirroc Lofton Alexander Siddig Colm Meaney Armin Shimerman Terry Farrell Michael Dorn

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Source: https://www.netflix.com/title/70158330

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