By Larry Keane

Ammunition Surplus
Read My Lips… No New Ammunition Taxes

NEWTOWN, Conn –-( Hither we go once again. The flagship of the mainstream news media is digging up former ideas to punish law-abiding gun owners.

A recent article in The New York Times recirculates a near 20-yr one-time idea for mandating exorbitant taxes on ammunition.

The premise is that taxing ammunition at an extremely high rate would reduce firearm-related violence.

Once again, nevertheless, reality must intrude. Raising taxes on ammunition would not reduce firearm violence, but it would injure and potentially close thousands of businesses ranging from gun shops to firing ranges and armament manufacturers.

Attacking the firearms and ammunition industry — one of the few bright spots in the otherwise anemic economy, equally this report shows — is not only incorrect-headed but counterproductive. The proposed revenue enhancement would threaten thousands of jobs from every level of the industry, from local retailers to manufacturers.

Also, this tax would accept an adverse event on wildlife conservation funding. If hunters cannot beget ammunition so in that location is no need for hunting licenses, which are the primary source for conservation funding. Critics so often forget that hunters are the greatest champions of wild animals conservation. Just non just hunters would be adversely impacted. Shooters, who buy more ammunition would be hit even harder past the cost increases, drive them off the firing line leading to shooting ranges shuttering. The money for conservation that goes into the Pittman Robertson Trust Fund from the auction of armament to both hunters and shooters would besides decline as sales drib due to price increases to embrace the taxation.

Furthermore, taxing ammunition to the indicate where the average person cannot exercise a fundamental right is an unconstitutional restriction.

Knowing that the New York Times is dredging up draconian xx-twelvemonth-old concepts to restrict our rights, you accept to ask yourself, "Where does my elected official stand on this?"

Where do you stand? Who will you #gunvote for?

About NSSF

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade clan for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than half dozen,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen'southward organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to world wide

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