Chapter Six Written Language: Reading and Writing

In Science, students read for a variety of reasons, including to:

  • develop agreement
  • assess experimental method
  • place and evaluate evidence
  • determine validity.

No affair their purpose for reading, students demand to adopt an objective position, asking questions every bit they read. The types of questions they inquire, though, depends on the purpose of their reading.

Providing students with a purpose before their reading will assistance to focus their reading to identify, select and sympathise particular content in a written text.

In improver to varied reading purposes, some other challenge for students reading in Scientific discipline is text complexity. Traditionally, texts in scientific discipline are circuitous. They:

  • introduce students to a range of new vocabulary
  • have high lexical density (many words that bear content such as nouns or verbs)
  • explain abstruse concepts and processes
  • require the reader to motion betwixt text and images to develop meaning.

Scientific texts are often multimodal, containing images, diagrams and graphs. Students must learn to read and interpret visual and non-text-based representations of complex or abstruse concepts, ideas and processes.

In the Science classroom, students besides read a range of texts to develop their scientific understanding. These include but are not express to:

  • science textbooks
  • scientific reports
  • newspaper articles
  • cloth on websites.

Each of these types of texts vary in language apply, density, sophistication, and caste of multimodality. The different text types also have unlike functions, and then students must adopt dissimilar reading positions when accessing them.

Providing a range of reading strategies and scaffolds to back up students to read and interpret texts in Science volition non only assist them to develop their scientific agreement, only also to become contained learners.

Reading in Science should be both an agile and interactive process.

Reading is active when students utilize pre-reading, during reading, and after reading strategies to cheque their agreement of a text.

Reading is interactive when students apply a range of bachelor resources, such every bit prior knowledge, other people and other texts, to brand sense of a text (Gee, 2000; Valencia & Pearson, 1987).

Instruction strategies

The teaching strategies outlined beneath are designed to develop students' literacy to read the kinds of texts they will come across in Science. Versions of them can besides exist found in the Primary Literacy Teaching Toolkit.

Strategies that teachers can use to support students to read texts include:

  • Explicitly teaching text structure
  • Generating text-dependent questions
  • Using graphic organisers

Explicitly didactics text construction

A simple strategy to brainstorm supporting students to develop literacy within Science is to explicitly teach them about text structure, organization and visual supports.

Scientific texts:

  • are often chronologically ordered
  • describe causal effects
  • apply headings to organise and categorise sections of text
  • include images and diagrams that support and add together significant to written language.

Explicitly pedagogy students almost these mutual textual features will assist them to better understand how to interpret and access information in written scientific texts. These text features tin be used to generate pre-reading questions (see Generating text-dependent questions).

Scientific text article: What is climate change?

View full size 'What is climate modify' image - jpg 900kb

Source: The science of climate change: Questions and answers, Australian University of Scientific discipline, Canberra, 2015.

Generating text-dependent questions

Using text-dependent questions is:

  • an instructional practise or approach where readers are provided with questions prior to reading a text
  • a guided reading strategy, equally it provides support for students before, during and after reading, and
  • a close reading activity, as students reread text to extract significant and detect show.

Student-generated questions


  • I nstruct students to highlight noticeable text features (e.g. headings, images, captions, special impress).
  • Inquire students to predict nigh what the text is informing them.
  • Individual ly or as a class, convert textual features into questions.
    • Heading is "Meiosis" and sub-heading is "Independent assortment"; student-generated questions are "What is meiosis?" and "Why is independent assortment important?" (Twelvemonth 9 or 10, VCSSU119)
    • Diagram shows Newton's second Constabulary; pupil-generated question is "When does Newton's 2nd Law apply?" (Year ix and 10, VCSSU133)

During reading

  • Student south focus their reading of the text to answer the questions they have generated.

After reading

  • Students d iscuss answers to their questions, with teacher clarifying any misconceptions or ambiguities.
  • Students write d ain answers to their questions/a option of the questions.

This activity can be modified to have students annotate the texts as they read and find answers to their questions.

Teacher-generated questions

Prior to the lesson

  • The instructor lists the main concepts students are to acquire from the reading.
  • The te acher creates iv–vi statements that are supported or challenged past the reading.For example, if students are reading a text nearly energy flow in ecosystems in Year nine or ten (VCSSU121), the focus statements might exist:
    • Food bondage and food webs show the movement of energy in an ecosystem
    • Available energy increases as yous move upwardly a food chain
    • First-order consumers are the top level predators
    • Decomposers provide energy to producers.

During the lesson


  • Students read the teacher-generated statements, noting downwardly whether they concord or disagree with each i.

During reading

  • Students r ead the text, searching for evidence that either supports or refutes each statement.

After reading

  • In pairs, stude nts review and, where necessary, revise their decisions regarding each argument.
  • Every bit a course, discuss what was learned from reading.
  • Students westward rite down true statements and rewrite false statements to make them true.

Using graphic organisers

Graphic organisers are visual models that tin can be used in a number of ways to back up student learning, including to show relationships (for instance, concept map), to compare and contrast similarities and differences (for example, Venn diagram), to show hierarchical relationships (for example, pyramid).

Graphic organisers tin can exist used to set purposes for reading, thereby helping to focus student reading and to aid their comprehension.

The Cornell annotation-taking system (Pauk & Owens, 2010) is i type of graphic organiser that teachers tin can teach their students to utilise to support reading comprehension (Evans & Shivley, 2019). This note-taking system tin can also be used to support students to develop scientific understanding, whether when reading texts or listening to a read-aloud.

The Cornell notation-taking system

Before r east ading, students split a page into three unequal sections as shown below.

Cornell note-taking

While r eading (or listening to a speaker), the student writes ideas and concepts from the reading into the note-taking section.

After reading, t he student:

  • Reviews and clarifies n otes, correcting any spelling mistakes
  • Writes questions most the primary ideas in the cue column
  • Covers the notes and answers the questions they accept written
  • Writes a 1-2 sentence summar y in the summary department.


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